Malowany Group

Real Estate Taxes in November Election

Changing taxes make us want our Green Benches back!


This autumn, be prepared to get out and vote or taxes could be on the rise.  Florida’s upcoming General Election will be on November 6, 2018 and will feature multiple amendments to be decided.  Three of these specifically deal with taxes on real estate property and statewide exemptions.  With a bevy of writing to help voters understand each of these amendments, it is likely to slow down the actual process of casting votes on Election Day.  If it is possible, it is recommended to mail in your votes to save yourself from the longer than usual lines that are likely to form that day.  Here’s a brief explanation on the three tax amendments on the November ballot:





For a full list of the coming amendments and elections you can check the Vote Pinellas website here.  Please remember that this year’s elections are looking to propose some fairly big changes, so let’s all get in our vote, and grow this city together.

Image courtesy of CityofStPete via flickr.

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